Preparing for Peer Visit

Alessandro Galardi
WFTO - World Fair Trade Organization
About the Course: 

This course is a guide for anyone who has been invited to be a WFTO Peer visitor. 

1. Read through the first part of the Guide (to be found in the Material section of the course) before you accept the invitation to be a Peer to see if this is something you really want to do (and have time to do). You need to be able to spend several hours in preparation reading the member’s profile and Self Assessment Report (SAR), at least one day on the visit  (depending on the size and complexity of the member) and about half a day writing your report.   

2. If you decide to go ahead, read the rest of the guide and watch the video in the Lessons section. 

3. At the end are 20 multiple choice questions for you to answer.

Course Program: 

Content of Guide (to be found in the Material section of the course) 

  1. What is a Peer Visitor?  Do you want to be one?
  2. The Purpose of a Peer Visit
  3. Key documents to read before a Peer Visit
  4. Next Steps
  5. Writing and submitting your Report
Course category: 
Certification and Monitoring